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Imaging In Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery

  • Price:900 Taka Only.
  • Writer: Dr.Md Ashraful Islam [MBBS, FCPS, FICS, FACS, FRCS (Glasgow)]
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Otorhinolaryngology- Head & Neck Surgery represents the diseases of the ear, nose, throat, head and neck. X-rays were firts used for the diagnosis of the diseases at the end of 19th century. And, as such, radiology has advanced at a pace as with medical especialty and technology. So as on today, radiology can make or break throught the diagnosis, either it can save patient a patient an unnecessary operation or it can end up with a precise and perfect operation. The patient can be kept abreast of the state of the art, informed about the extent of the lesion and taken into consideration of prognosis of the disease.

The book is written, with otolaryngologists and other fraternities related to otolaryngology - Head Neck Surgery in mind. I fervently believe that otolaryngological trainees should learn the essentials before deliving into the subjects in depth. This up-to-date book contains practical and concise descriptions and high-quality illustration. State-of-the-art tecniques and the most common types of clinical cases encountered in dailey practice are discussed in short.


This book handles detailed anatomical descriptions from a practical point of view from A to Z. The author has tried his best to emphasize on the practical to reach an accurate diagnosis . The Skull base and pediatric radiology hase been given an overview in those diseases as well. 

The purpose of the book is to provide a quick understanding on basic knowledge of imaging in Otolaryngology - Head Neck Surgery for otolaryngological Trainees, otolaryngologists and other related fraternities. Keeping in mind they can order for correct radiological examinations, improve image interpretation through a distillate of clinically useful information, and enhance their interpretation of various radiological manifestations. The author has focused on the common clinical scenaries encountered in our their daily practice. 

The author has discussed on practical imaging techniques and protocols used to address basic understanding in imaging modalities, so that clinicians can easily aid in reaching a specific diagnosis by reviewing  his simple relevant case presentations.

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